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  • Africa (27)
  • Asia (50)
  • Europe (5)
  • North and Central America (55)
  • South America (49)


  • Agriculture, Agri. Services & Processing (29)
  • Financial Services (150)
  • Renewable energy (5)
  • Other (2)
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This overview, which is synced regularly with the latest available data, gives you more information about our current partners. Not all current partners are included. There can be different reasons for this. For example, the partner’s funding may not have been disbursed yet.
Results (186) Page 13 of 19
  • India Jagaran Microfin Private Limited

    Micro loans to empower low-income women

    Jagaran Microfin Private Limited (Jagaran), founded in 1993, disburses loans to socially and economically disadvantaged women, empowering them to become socially and ...

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  • Guatemala Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito "Para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Guatemala", RL

    Supporting a rural credit union focused on indigenous communities

    Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito ‘Para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Guatemala’, RL (Crediguate) is a credit union created by the ...

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  • France Advans SA, SICAR

    Strengthening the Advans Group, an international network of financial institutions

    Advans SA, SICAR was created in 2005 to provide access to tailored financial services for micro, small and medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) and other populations who ...

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  • Côte d'Ivoire Ivoire Coton

    Promoting cotton production in Côte d'Ivoire

    Ivoire Coton is one of the main players in Côte d'Ivoire's cotton market. It aims to promote the development of smallholder farms to ensure cotton supplies to ...

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  • Paraguay Grupo Internacional de Finanzas Sociedad Anónima Emisora de Capital Abierto (Interfisa Banco SAECA)

    Better access to finance for small-scale enterprises in rural Paraguay

    The microfinance institution (MFI) Grupo Internacional de Finanzas Sociedad Anónima Emisora de Capital Abierto (Interfisa Banco SAECA) focuses on microcredit ...

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  • Bolivia Cooperativa Magisterio Rural Tarija

    Funding to expand a cooperative's loan portfolio

    Cooperativa Magisterio Rural Tarija (CMRT) is a regulated savings and credit cooperative. CMRT supports low-income people and entrepreneurs in urban and rural areas ...

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    Credit to increase high-quality coffee exports

    Dinámica International Crops is part of the long-established family business Corporación Dinámica. It exports fair trade and organic coffee ...

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  • El Salvador Optima Servicios Financieros SA de CV

    Promoting small entrepreneurship in El Salvador

    Optima Servicios Financieros SA de CV (Optima) is a private non-banking institution that offers financial products to small and medium enterprises in El Salvador. The...

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  • Zambia AB Bank Zambia Limited

    Funding for portfolio expansion and increased outreach

    The microfinance bank AB Bank Zambia Limited (ABZ) offers a range of loans and savings products to micro, small and medium enterprises, and low to middle-income ...

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  • Argentina Agricultores Federados Argentinos Sociedad Cooperativa Limitada

    More bargaining power for small and medium farmers

    Agricultores Federados Argentinos (AFA) is an Argentinean cooperative that produces and trades in agricultural products and inputs. The cooperative is also involved ...

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