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  • Africa (27)
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  • Europe (5)
  • North and Central America (55)
  • South America (49)


  • Agriculture, Agri. Services & Processing (29)
  • Financial Services (150)
  • Renewable energy (5)
  • Other (2)
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This overview, which is synced regularly with the latest available data, gives you more information about our current partners. Not all current partners are included. There can be different reasons for this. For example, the partner’s funding may not have been disbursed yet.
Results (186) Page 12 of 19
  • Brazil Agência de Microcrédito Solidário do Alto Uruguai Catarinense

    Supporting micro entrepreneurship in the state of Santa Catarina

    The microfinance institution (MFI) Agência de Microcrédito Solidário do Alto Uruguai Catarinense (CRECERTO) was founded in 2001 in Concordia city....

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  • Rwanda IMPEXCOR Limited

    Funding for Rwanda's coffee industry

    Impexcor Limited is a family-run company originally founded in 1977. Impexcor purchases coffee cherries from small coffee farmers in Nyakabuye, Gitambi and Gatare, a ...

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  • India Fourth Partner Energy Pvt. Ltd

    Scaling up solar energy in India

    Fourth Partner Energy Pvt. Ltd is a full-service renewable energy services company providing design, engineering, installation, and operation and maintenance ...

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  • Honduras AHSETFIN, Asociación Hondureña para el Desarrollo de Servicios Técnicos y Financieros

    Improving access to water for small enterprises in rural areas

    AHSETFIN, Asociación Hondureña para el Desarrollo de Servicios Técnicos y Financieros, founded in 2006, is an association that offers financial ...

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  • Brazil Banco do Povo - Banco do Povo Crédito Solidário

    Supporting micro entrepreneurship via solidarity group loans

    Banco do Povo - Crédito Solidário (BPCS) is a Brazilian NGO and a recognized Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP). It was set up in ...

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  • Bolivia Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Abierta “San Roque” Ltda

    Extending Oikocredit’s social impact to Chuquisaca

    Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Abierta “San Roque” Ltda. (CSR) is a regulated savings and loans cooperative specializing in microcredit, ...

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  • Benin Promotion et Appui au Développement de Micro Entreprise (PADME)

    Supporting micro businesses, individuals and NGOs

    Promotion et Appui au Développement de Micro Entreprise (PADME) is an association that promotes micro-enterprise development in Benin, particularly through ...

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  • Argentina Productores Argentinos Integrados SA - PAI

    Supporting the organic fruit value chain in Argentina

    Productores Argentinos Integrados SA - PAI (PAI) is a fresh-fruit exporting consortium composed of 12 fruit packing companies from Alto Valle de Río Negro and ...

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  • Honduras Compañia Hondureña de Energia Solar, S.A. de C.V.

    Solar power for the Honduran grid

    Compañía Hondureña de Energía Solar, SA de CV (COHESSA), founded in 2012, is a solar energy company established to build, own and ...

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  • Argentina Cooperativa Agricola Ganadera Los Molinos Ltda

    Supporting independent smallholder and medium-sized wheat farms

    Cooperativa Agrícola Ganadera Los Molinos Ltda (Los Molinos) was founded in 1950 and is based in the small town of Los Molinos, in the Santa Fe Province. Most...

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