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  • Africa (27)
  • Asia (50)
  • Europe (5)
  • North and Central America (55)
  • South America (49)


  • Agriculture, Agri. Services & Processing (29)
  • Financial Services (150)
  • Renewable energy (5)
  • Other (2)
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This overview, which is synced regularly with the latest available data, gives you more information about our current partners. Not all current partners are included. There can be different reasons for this. For example, the partner’s funding may not have been disbursed yet.
Results (186) Page 19 of 19
  • India Lendingkart Finance Limited (LFL)

    SME lending across India using fintech

    LendingKart Finance Limited (LFL) is a Lendingkart group (LK group) company providing unsecured SME loans across India. LFL is ...

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  • India Kaleidofin Private Limited

    Fintech supporting people with low-incomes

    Kaleidofin Private Limited (Kaleidofin) provides a fintech platform for savings, loans, and insurance products aimed...

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  • Côte d'Ivoire Baobab Plus Cote d'Ivoire

    Providing solar energy systems and digital services

    Baobab Plus Cote d'Ivoire (Baobab Plus) is part of the Baobab Group, formerly known as Microcred. It was established to provide solar energy systems and digital ...

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  • Peru Lima Coffee

    Coffee association of smallholder growers

    Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios Lima Coffee Perú (Lima Coffee or Limcof Perú) is ...

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  • India Ecozen Solutions Private Limited

    Ecozen Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

    Ecozen Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a renewable energy technology company providing smart and sustainable solutions to rural agricultural farmers in India.   ...

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  • Cambodia Mohanokor Microfinance Institution Plc

    MOHANOKOR Microfinance Institution Plc

    MOHANOKOR Microfinance Institution Plc. was established as a non-governmental organization in 2014, providing financial services to the rural poor with the economic ...

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