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  • Africa (27)
  • Asia (50)
  • Europe (5)
  • North and Central America (55)
  • South America (49)


  • Agriculture, Agri. Services & Processing (29)
  • Financial Services (150)
  • Renewable energy (5)
  • Other (2)
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This overview, which is synced regularly with the latest available data, gives you more information about our current partners. Not all current partners are included. There can be different reasons for this. For example, the partner’s funding may not have been disbursed yet.
Results (186) Page 16 of 19
  • Argentina Banco CMF SA

    Supporting small business development in Argentina

    The Argentinian bank Banco CMF SA provides financial services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The bank started out in 1978 as a financial company and became a...

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  • Bolivia Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Abierta Trinidad

    Supporting small entrepreneurs in rural areas of northern Bolivia

    Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Abierta Trinidad (CACTRI) is a well-established small savings and loans cooperative that has been supporting low-income, micro-...

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  • Cayman Islands Tienda Pago Holdings, Ltd

    Taking small businesses to the next level with access to financing

    Tienda Pago Holdings LLC is a Latin American fintech startup operating in Mexico and Peru. The company acts as a lender providing owners of small shops with ...

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  • India Vedika Credit Capital ltd

    Providing financial services to micro entrepreneurs

    The microfinance institution Vedika Credit Capital Ltd (Vedika) is based in Jharkhand and registered with the Reserve Bank of India. Vedika was founded in 1995 and ...

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  • India Arth Microfinance Private Limited

    Access to finance for disadvantaged low-income women

    The non-banking financial company and microfinance institution (MFI) Arth Microfinance Private Limited (Arth) disburses loans to women in low-income households in ...

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    Creating access to financial services for micro-, small and medium enterprises

    Shriram Finance Corporation Pvt. Ltd (SRFCPL) was founded in Chhattisgarh in 2004 and registered as a non-banking financial company (NBFC) four years later. From its ...

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  • India Namra Finance Limited

    Credit for disadvantaged women for income-generating activities

    The microfinance institution (MFI) Namra Finance Limited (Namra) operates in five states (Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand) and ...

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  • Kenya Equatorial Nut Processors Limited

    Supporting small organic nut growers in Kenya

    Equatorial Nut Processors Ltd (ENP) was founded in 1994 by a local entrepreneur who wanted to make a positive impact on low-income farmers. Today, it is one of ...

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  • India Aashiyaan Housing and Development Finance

    Affordable housing finance for low-income families in eastern India

    Aashiyaan Housing and Development Finance (Aashiyaan) provides affordable housing loans to low-income individuals and families in semi-urban and rural areas in the ...

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  • India Laxmi India Finleasecap Private Limited

    Better access to finance for SMEs in Rajasthan

    Laxmi India Finleasecap Pvt. Ltd (LIFPL) is a registered non-deposit taking Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC), with the Reserve Bank of India. An Oikocredit partner...

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