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Cafe de Altura de San Ramon Especial S.A. - Marktzugang für kleinbäuerliche Kaffeeanbau-Betriebe in Costa Rica

Cafe de Altura de San Ramon Especial S.A.

Linking Costa Rican small-scale coffee growers to markets

Costa Rica

Fair trade

Trade in products that have been certified and carry a fair trade label. An example of this is a farmer’s cooperative that collectively sells its cocoa to a fair trade organization.


Promotes and/or supports the protection of the environment. An example of this is an organic farming cooperative.

Café de Altura is an award-winning private company dedicated to stocking, milling and commercialising conventional and speciality coffee. The company belongs to shareholders who are mainly small-scale coffee growers from the canton of San Ramón in Costa Rica. Café de Altura first partnered with Oikocredit in 2019.

Costa Rican small-scale coffee growers face challenges in gaining access to bank financing and markets.

Café de Altura sells its high-quality coffee to national and international niche markets. Its coffee producers benefit by receiving training in good agricultural practices, crop management, disease prevention and environmentally friendly production methods.


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