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  • Africa (27)
  • Asia (50)
  • Europe (5)
  • North and Central America (55)
  • South America (49)


  • Agriculture, Agri. Services & Processing (29)
  • Financial Services (150)
  • Renewable energy (5)
  • Other (2)
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This overview, which is synced regularly with the latest available data, gives you more information about our current partners. Not all current partners are included. There can be different reasons for this. For example, the partner’s funding may not have been disbursed yet.
Results (186) Page 14 of 19
  • Honduras Microfinanciera Prisma de Honduras SA

    Improving access to finance and renewable energy in rural Honduras

    Microfinanciera Prisma de Honduras SA (Prisma) is a medium-sized microfinance institution (MFI) that focuses on providing microloans to rural households and working ...

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  • Paraguay Zeta Banco SAECA

    Financing small and medium enterprises in Paraguay

    Finexpar Financiera SAECA (Finexpar) is a financial institution primarily focusing on funding small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which make up more than 90% of its ...

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  • Argentina Federación de Cooperativas Vitivinicolas Argentinas Coop Ltda

    Supporting small cooperative wine producers in Mendoza

    Federación de Cooperativas Vitivinícolas Argentinas Coop Ltda (FECOVITA) is a wine cooperative, founded in 1980, which packages and sells wine produced ...

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  • Guatemala NELIXIA, S.A.

    Supporting small cardamom growers in Guatemala

    Nelixia produces and exports essential oils made from cardamom and patchouli. These oils are predominantly sold to perfume and food flavour companies in Europe and ...

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  • Mexico ION Financiera SAPI de CV SOFOM ER

    Mortgages for self-employed Mexicans

    ION Financiera, SAPI de CV SOFOM ER (ION) is the first voluntarily regulated financial inclusion institution providing housing loans in Mexico. ION enables low-income...

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  • Brazil Instituição Comunitária de Crédito Blumenau Solidariedade

    Reaching out to informal micro entrepreneurs in Blumenau

    Instituição Comunitária de Crédito Blumenau Solidariedade (Blusol) is a civil institution that provides loans to micro and small ...

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  • Indonesia Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Mitra Dhuafa

    Access to credit for low-income women in rural Indonesia

    Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa (KOMIDA) is a registered Indonesian cooperative. It provides microfinance services to low-income women who have no access to the formal ...

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  • Cambodia MAXIMA Microfinance Plc.

    Supporting entrepreneurship in rural Cambodia

    Established in 2000, Maxima Microfinance plc (Maxima) is a licensed microfinance institution (MFI) providing financial services to low-income households via a network...

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  • Honduras COMSA; Café Orgánico Marcala

    Supporting an organic coffee coop with a strong social profile

    Café Orgánico Marcala (COMSA) is a Honduran coffee cooperative that produces, processes and trades organic coffee, with a focus on the specialty and ...

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  • India NeoGrowth Credit Pvt. Ltd

    Loans for small and medium retailers based on card sales

    NeoGrowth Credit Pvt. Ltd (NeoGrowth) is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) that was founded in 2013. The company has adopted a unique business model of providing...

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