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IMPEXCOR Limited - Finanzierung für den Kaffeesektor in Ruanda


Funding for Rwanda's coffee industry


Fair trade

Trade in products that have been certified and carry a fair trade label. An example of this is a farmer’s cooperative that collectively sells its cocoa to a fair trade organization.

Impexcor Limited is a family-run company originally founded in 1977. Impexcor purchases coffee cherries from small coffee farmers in Nyakabuye, Gitambi and Gatare, a cooperative and 11 farmers’ associations. The company has three washing stations to process the cherries and sells the end product to coffee buyers.

Impexcor is a profitable coffee processor company and has built up a good reputation in the coffee market owing to its long experience in the industry.

Impexcor Limited has been an Oikocredit partner since 2015.

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