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Vorotan - ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade CJSC - Langfristige Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien durch Modernisierung einer Wasserkraftanlage

Vorotan - ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade CJSC

Upgrading a hydro plant to ensure renewable energy production



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Vorotan - ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade CJSC will modernise and operate a 404MW hydro plant consisting of three run-of-the-river hydro installations with four reservoirs along the Vorotan river in Armenia.

The hydro plant is responsible for around 15% of electricity generated in the country. The plant plays an important role in stabilising Armenia’s electricity grid because it is able to produce more power at moments when electricity demand is higher.

Upgrading the plant is essential and should keep it operational for at least another 35 years. This will allow Armenia to continue to benefit from this important source of relatively low cost renewable energy.

Vorotan - ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade CJSC has been an Oikocredit partner since 2017.

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