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Microfinanciera Prisma de Honduras SA - Besserer Zugang zu Finanzierungen und erneuerbaren Energien im ländlichen Honduras

Microfinanciera Prisma de Honduras SA

Improving access to finance and renewable energy in rural Honduras


Microfinanciera Prisma de Honduras SA (Prisma) is a medium-sized microfinance institution (MFI) that focuses on providing microloans to rural households and working capital to micro- and small enterprises operating in agriculture, such as producers of coffee, plantain, malanga, yucca and other vegetables. It also offers solar energy solutions to improve the livelihoods of rural communities. Prisma’s main focus groups are poor rural communities in El Paraiso, Choluteca, Nacaome, Francisco Morazan, Olancho, and Cortes.

Prisma was founded in 2004 by the US-based Prisma Microfinance Inc. Prisma currently has seven branches in the cities of Danli, Trojes, Patuca, Choluteca, San Lorenzo, Santa Cruz de Yojoa, and Peña Blanca (2016).

Prisma’s expansion strategy focuses on reaching out to rural communities with no or limited access to finance. In order to ensure operational sustainability, the MFI has created a dedicated collection unit. It constantly trains staff with regard to credit assessment and prevention of cross borrowing to ensure clients don't become over-indebted by borrowing more than they can afford.

The MFI is planning to further raise its social profile and enhance client protection by joining the SMART Campaign.

Microfinanciera Prisma de Honduras SA has been an Oikocredit partner since 2016.

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