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Jagaran Microfin Private Limited - Stärkung von Frauen mit niedrigem Einkommen durch Mikrokredite

Jagaran Microfin Private Limited

Micro loans to empower low-income women


Jagaran Microfin Private Limited (Jagaran), founded in 1993, disburses loans to socially and economically disadvantaged women, empowering them to become socially and economically self-sufficient. In 1998 it was registered as a non-banking financial company (NBFC).

Jagaran's micro-lending activities are aimed at creating better access to finance for low-income women entrepreneurs, and providing funds to urban and rural producers, traders and small-scale farmers and self-employed. It has been an Oikocredit partner since 2016.

Jagaran has a network of more than 100 branches in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand and Assam (2018). The company's corporate governance approach is aimed at attaining the highest level of transparency, accountability and equity in its operations and interactions with stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, lenders and the Indian government.

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