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SACACLÍ, Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples SACACLÍ RL - Unterstützung einer Nonprofit-Kleinbauerngenossenschaft

SACACLÍ, Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples SACACLÍ RL

Supporting a non-profit cooperative of small farmers


Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples Sacaclí RL (Sacaclí) is a multi-service cooperative of small-scale vegetable and coffee farmers. It offers services for various links of the agricultural value chain including production, technical assistance, financial services and commercialization. All members live in rural areas in Jinotega.

Sacaclí is a not-for-profit cooperative with more than 500 members. In line with the cooperative business model, important decisions are taken by the members during General Assemblies. The members elect delegates who, in turn, elect the board, ensuring member participation and engagement.

Over the last few years, Sacaclí has been shifting its focus to organic coffee production. To achieve this goal, it has invested in capacity building for its members for the renovation of members' coffee plantations. Thanks to its experienced and skilled staff, Sacaclí has managed to improve harvests and operate more efficiently. Finally, Sacaclí has a strong social impact in the village as a key provider of income and marketing opportunities.

Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples Sacaclí RL has been an Oikocredit partner since 2008.

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